Review: La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo [+] (RO+EN)

         017                                Primesc intr-o vineri, pe la 12-13, un mesaj scris in graba si cu cateva greseli gramaticale(nu am putut sa nu observ:)) ):”Buna ziua de la dhl va deranjez cu un colet de la L’oreal…” Primisem anterior vreo 2 apeluri, dar,avand telefonul pe silentios,le-am observat ceva mai tarziu. Il sun pe domnul cu pricina si imi spune ca tocmai ce a plecat din oras. Am hotarat sa ne intalnim luni dimineata.

On a friday, it was like 12-1 pm, when I got a hastily written message and with some grammar errors too (I couldn’t but notice :)) ),which translation would be something like:” Hello from dhl I’m disturbing you with a package from L’Oreal…” Previously, I received 2 calls, but, having the phone on mute, I noticed some minutes later. So I called the man and he told me that he had just leave the city. We decided to meet on monday morning.

Si asa am primit un pachet gri, in care am descoperit o punga eleganta ‘de cadou’ de la La Roche Posay. Nu a fost prima data cand am descoperit beneficiile produselor aceste marci(pentru ca da, acesta va fii un review favorabil), eu avand cunostiinta si incercand produsele de, sa zicem, vreo 3-4 ani.

And that’s how I got a gry package, where it was an elegant ‘gift’ bag from LaRoche Posay. It was’t the first time when I discovered the benefits of this brand’s products (because yes, this is gonna be a positive review),as long as I have found and tried the products for, lets say, 3-4 years.046

Inainte de a incerca Effaclar Duo,am facut o mica cercetare si am descoperit numai review-uri pozitive.Si iata-ma acum, la 4 ani dupa, inca folosind, acum chiar Effaclar Duo [+], pentru ca intre timp, formula a fost imbunatatita.

Before I tried Effaclar Duo, I made a small research and I discovered only positives reviews. So here I am now, 4 years later, still using, now even Effaclar Duo[+], because meanwhile, the formule was improved.

Acum nu pot spune ca am mari probleme cu tenul.Mi se intampla din cand in cand, sa ma confrunt cu cosuri,roseata, dar aceasta crema imi ofera siguranta ca sunt doar niste probleme minore si usor de rezolvat.Eu folosesc inainte si gelul de curatare, dar despre asta, in alta postare.;)

Now, I can’t say I have big problems with my skin. Somethimes it happens to have some blemishes, but this cream gives me the certainty that these are only some minor problems and easy to solve. I also use before the Purifying Foaming gel, but about this, in another post. 😉

Cel mai mult m-a atras firma, renumita si cu produse originare din Franta.Dar poate si mai mult, m-a atras lipsa de parabeni, in compozitie. Ca tot veni vorba, ingredientele sunt:

I was very interested in this brand, very known and with products originating in France. But maybe I was even more interested in this cream because is paraben free. Talking about this, the ingredients are:

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Cu ce te poate ajuta?   |   How can this help you?

Este de ajutor in cazul imperfectiunilor severe, porilor astupati, semnelor post acneice. Si iti ofera incredere! Nimeni nu se simte comfortabil cu astfel de, sa le zicem imperfectiuni. Iar eu una sustin ca preventia sau tratarea sunt mai bune decat acoperire. Nu exclud folosirea cosmeticelor,(apropo, pe site-ul lor gasiti fonduri de ten special concepute pentru orice tip de ten), dar afirm cu tarie ca tenul trebuie tratat, ingrijit si protejat.

It’s very useful in the case of severe imperfections, it unclogs blocked pores and fights against marks.And makes you more confident! No one feels comfortable with that kind of, lets call’em inperfections. And I don’t know about you, but I believe that prevention and treating are better than covering. I don’t exclude the using of cosmetics (btw, on their site you can also find a foundation perfect for you skin type), but I totally think that your skin must be treated and protected.


Pe langa asta, Effaclar Duo [+] ofera si alte beneficii, deloc de ignorat.Este non-comedogenic(adica nu închide porii ce se pot transforma în comedoane (puncte negre)) , hipoalergenic, nu contine parabeni si este testat pe pielea sensibila la nichel.
Este o textura gel-crema proaspata, potrivita chiar si pentru pielea sensibila.


Also,it has many others important benefits. 

It offers complete care with reinforced anti-imperfection efficacy, thanks to Procerad™, an exclusive anti-marks active ingredient.It is non comedogenic,Hypoallergenic, paraben free and Nickel-tested (developed for people who are sensitive to nickel).

Ce promite? |   What are the effects?

Poate va sunt cunoscute campaniile efectuate pentru testarea produsului. Ei bine, este dovedit ca

  • Dupa 24h: imperfectiunile sunt vizibil mai putin rosii
  • Dupa 8 zile: imperfectiunile localizate sunt reduse semnificativ
  • Dupa 4 saptamani: porii sunt curatati iar relieful pielii este netezit. Secretia de sebum este diminuat

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It is demonstrated that:

  • After 24 hours: imperfections look visibly less red
  • After 8 days: localised imperfections appear significantly reduced
  • After 4 weeks: pores look unclogged, skin texture looks refined. Controls the appearance of shine

Ce cred eu? |   My opinion?

Cred ca utilizarea indelungata(dar nu continuu) demonstreaza ca il recomand, la randul meu, cu drag.Efectele se vad de la o zi la alta,tenul devine mai sanatos, are o tendinta mai putin accentuata de ingrasare, si e extreeem de catifelat! In plus, este excelenta ca si baza de machiaj.

Iar mirosul..este absolut incredibil!!

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I believe that the long using (but not continuos) proves that I reccomend it with pleasure. The effects can be seen day after day, the skin becomes brighter,healtier, less oily, and it’s extreeeemly soft! Also, it’s a great make-up base.

And the smell is…absolutely incredible!!

Aplicare | How to apply it?

Se poate folosi dimineata si/sau seara, dar se recomanda utilizarea dupa purificarea fetei cu gelul purifiant, pentru ingrijire completa.
It can be used in the morning and/or the evening, but it’s reccomended the use after the face is puryfied with the foaming gel, for a total skincare.


In concluzie, clar il recomand. Daca aveti ceva probleme cu tenul, fie ca este gras/mixt, are tendinta de ingrasare, prezinta cosuri sau urme accneice, sau puncte negre, e perfect pentru toate astea. Va veti convinge ca e produsul perfect pentru ingrijire!

In conclusion, I totally reccomend it. If you have any skin problems, if your skin is oily,has blemishes or marks, it’s perfect for all of these. You will see that is the right product for skincare!044

4 thoughts on “Review: La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo [+] (RO+EN)

  1. paola paola says:

    Sa inteleg ca are si pigment de culoare? Adica e un fel de BB Cream sau e doar crema?Eu am de la ei apa micelara, imi place foarte mult ca nu necesita clatire. Desigur, eu nu am incercat si alte ape micelare sa le pot compara 😉

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